The From Now On Fund is a donor-advised fund established in 2016. Our fund is housed at the Tides Foundation which is a philanthropic partner and nonprofit accelerator dedicated to building a world of shared prosperity and social justice.
We believe that welcoming and respecting a diversity of experiences and voices will improve our grant making.
We believe that more effective and lasting change occurs when individuals and communities are actively engaged in decisions that affect them.
Our People
Jane Schmitz, Director
Jane taught public health at Occidental College from 2011-2019. She is active locally within in her own community and nationally to promote nutrition security for children and families. Jane serves on the Board of Center for Science in the Public Interest. She has a doctoral degree in public health from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Broad Reach Foundation
Broad Reach Foundation generously underwrites our work and offers our team guidance and support. Our thanks to the Board of Directors and staff of Broad Reach.

Our Process
Currently we are not accepting unsolicited requests for grants. For From Now On Fund inquires email To learn more about the Tides Foundation visit their website.